Correct enormous imbalance by ensuring everyone has access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services for all is a sustainable development goal number VI of UN Development Programme

Project information

Category: Energy Conservation

Installation of Solar Lamps

Energy from renewable resources like wind, water, solar etc. can be used to generate energy for domestic usage. To support this idea, the organization headed by Dr. M. S. Sunil distributed and installed solar lamps in 15 houses in Pathanamthitta District to the marginalized poor people who were staying in unelectrified houses, or houses with LED Bulbs or had smartless oven.


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The Government of India has made provisions to encourage people to make donations. This means that one (individual/organisation) can donate their money towards a social cause and claim exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.

Account Details

Dr. M. S. Sunil Foundation
Ac. No. 0316073000000757
South Indian Bank
IFSC SIBL0000316
Account Type: Current account

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